By Honora / March 19, 2025
New Game +
For people who don’t play games; this is when you finish the game but decide to restart the story at lvl 1, with some things unlocked; keeping a skill or item from the previous playtrough.
I achieved my dream, but didn’t find satifaction in it. So I left the USA that I worked so hard to get a visa for years ago, and landed back in France.
But it’s not like the first time, when I was rushing and felt that this was merely the tutorial island, to get trough as quickly as possible and moving on to greener pastures with better loot. Having experienced the downfall of the US though, the greener pasture was clearly what I left. They say we travel purposefully to miss home
This time, I don’t care about loot.
This is NewGame+. I come back with more skills, dreams of more sustainable power that comes not from mega-corporation and proximity to Empire, but from myself, and from community. I want to -in every way I possibly can- change the narrative around art, poverty, and surplus value. There is enough for everyone. Spread your wings, unfold.