Honora's blog

Interview (2020)

How come people still partner with oil companies? Does the guy who signed the deal understand what kind of demons he’s empowering? I need to paint those demons, show them to the world for what they are. I need to paint the world itself, showing what happens if we let them spill all over our beautiful Earth.

Tips for 3D scanning.

Goals of this article: Getting you up to speed on latest developments in 3d scanning so that you can reliably output the meshes you need for free or at low cost, no matter your hardware.

Carbon offsetting, and other accounting tricks.

In this article, we will talk about accounting , time, and entropy as a way to explore what the future might look like, and paths we can take to shape it and avert the worst environmental catastrophes of our time.

Post-collapse futurism

If humanity’s “Plan A” is to solve our current challenges of global structural failures and systemic problems through infinite growth of technology and energy with no compromises, the intent of my work is to highlight our total lack of a “Plan B.”.

Your 2050 Dystopia is still optimistic.

It's also outdated, usually drawing upon 1970 fears. I urge everyone to join the conversation on how we can create art that more accurately reflect the challenges of our time.